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By Kelly Marshall

Especially in the hot summer weather, rashes can be quite common for man’s best friend. These rashes are usually not considered serious or life threatening for a dog, but are quite uncomfortable. The dog’s first instinct as everyone’s would be is to scratch, but they scratch up to a point where they do not know when to stop. This can often lead to open wounds and infections. In some cases a simple dog rash can be a prelude or warning sign of an illness that can be serious, so it is important as a dog owner to pay attention to your dog’s skin. Just yelling at your canine to stop scratching does not make a successful nor responsible dog owner. It also makes for a very unhappy and uncomfortable pooch, so be aware of the types of rashes and what they mean.

One of the most common reasons for a dog breaking out in a rash can be blamed on something in their environment. It can often be linked to an allergy to everything from shampoo to household cleaning products to everything in between. It can often be difficult to narrow down as in most cases the dog is reacting to a chemical found in the product, not the actually product. So you may get rid of what you believe is the offending product, with no improvement. Case being, the chemical is found in another product (or maybe two or three) in your home. Not just one. This rash is usually red, can be raised on the dog’s skin, and extremely irritating and itchy.

Another common canine rash is due to fleas. As noted before, fleas are prevalent in the warmer more humid weather. The fleas continuously bite at the dog’s skin leaving many tiny little red bumps. They also have the ability to lay eggs directly on the animal’s skin, which in turn will produce more fleas and more bumps. Fleas can be treated in a couple of ways depending on the severity. There are over the counter flea products that may solve the issue. The veterinarian can also provide your dog with shots, pills, flea dips, gels, creams, etc. These can be extremely itchy to your dog. They also can ingest the fleas as well, and this can cause vomiting. Thankfully when the weather cools off, the fleas decrease dramatically.

If your dog has a rash and it is not an allergy or fleas, it may be something known as seborrhea. Seborrhea can be classified as doggie dandruff. Just as fleas are prevalent in the hotter weather, seborrhea is common in the colder, winter months. The dog’s skin is dry and irritated. It can also become red and raw. Usually the rash can be treated with a dog shampoo specialized for the seborrhea. If this doesn’t seem to do the trick, call your veterinarian for further advice and instructions.

These are a few of the most common dog rashes. It is important to remember that there are in fact others. If your dog has a rash that does not seem to fall into any of these categories, always call your veterinarian. In most cases it can be resolved quickly and swiftly, but you always want to make sure. No one wants to see a dog suffer by incessantly scratching and being uncomfortable.

About the Author: Kelly Marshall is a featured contributor at – where you can find dog coats for winter, dog steps, and more unique dog gear that you’ll never find at your local pet store.


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By Doyle Mason

Dogs are our best friends. It happens that if we extend our love to the pet dogs, they respond equally and offer you their unconditional love. If you take proper care of your pets, they remain healthy, strong, and also live longer. However, we can do this only when we keep on searching for better things they can have.

Given here are some tips that you can use to take care of your dog.

* Put a soft collar around its neck and put a label on it with the pet’s name, your address, and phone number. This is in case your pet wanders somewhere; someone will bring it back to you.

* Bathing the dog once a month is enough. However, if the dog gets too dirty, clean it with a wet towel or wash its paws. Do not keep it dirty for too long and also do not bathe it frequently because it might develop a skin infection in both the cases.

* Groom it every day. Comb and brush through its hair and make sure that its coat is shining and free from tangles. Do not start grooming with a very tiny pup. Begin when it is about three months old and continue through its life.

* Get it checked up by a veterinary once a month to ensure that it is in proper health. Also make sure that your dog does not have any injuries on its feet and clean its teeth and ears regularly.

* Consult your dog’s veterinarian to fix a proper diet for your loved pet. The diet should be balanced and must include lots of fresh water. Ask the Vet for a list of things that you cannot give your dog to eat.

*Go for a walk with it everyday to ensure that it gets proper exercise and also toilet train it so that it does not defecate anywhere it wants.

* Keep your dog free most part of the day and tie it only when required. You do not want an angry dog that may attack you one day because you kept him tied all the time. But do tie a leash once a while so that your dog gets used to it.

* Get proper vaccination done and get the pet neutered if you do not want to breed it. Consult a veterinary doctor and get the needful done, as and when the doctor tells you. It will ensure that your pet is healthier and happier and lives longer.

* Get a good dog house and make sure that you make your pet go to it only at night to schedule its bed time. Dogs like people around and should be with people throughout the day.

The above-mentioned tips are a few basic things that you can do for your pet. They are not difficult to follow and do not cost too much as well. Apart from giving your dog pet toys and pet food, take care of it as a family member and enjoy your every moment with it.

About the Author: If you have pets and you really love them, you must give them the best. Be it their accessories, their beds, or care; keep up with the latest information on pets. For more information, visit


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By Charlene J. Nuble

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology or AAAAI estimates that about 10 million pet lovers or pet owners in the United States are allergic to animals’ fur.

More and more households in the country are adopting or sheltering a pet dog, which is considered man’s best friend even from the time of the ancient civilization.

Dogs are canines that are perceived as intelligent and trainable among all other animals. We see dogs everywhere, in the movies, in cartoons, in the television (remember Lassie?), and even in high-security areas like malls. In the latter case, dogs are trained to sniff bombs, drugs and other illegal substances in the surroundings.

The world is a ‘dog eat dog world’ and it can be even found truthful if you are allergic to dogs.

Dog allergies and cat allergies in similarities and contrast

However, there are more reported or diagnosed cases of cat allergies than dog allergies all throughout the world because cats are more inclined to spread their danders through their habitual and constant grooming or bathing session by rubbing saliva all throughout their body.

Dog allergy can be found in people with specific allergies to dog furs and those who have history of asthma. Asthma is another reaction triggered by exposure to allergens or allergy-causing substances.

Modern science and recent findings indicate that people who were exposed to either cats and dogs while they were infants will unlikely develop cat or dog allergy. It is because their immune system will get accustomed to the two animals’ danders at an early stage.

Also take notice that people who have developed cat or dog allergy grew up in households where there were no cats or dogs around. Start asking now, or likely, begin by looking at yourself or somebody you know. The assumption is accurate, right?

Symptoms of dog allergy

Just like in any other form of allergy, symptoms or manifestation of dog allergy include wheezing, coughing, itchy and/ or teary or watery eyes and constant sneezing.

Severe dog allergy attacks can be indicated by difficulty in breathing, which is similar to a severe asthma attack. If left untreated, the person’s life could be in danger.

But remember, treatments for asthma and other allergies, including dog allergy are only treatments or relievers. They are not meant and they can not ensure long term cures.

Allergies are not curable, they are only treatable. Hence, dog allergy if successfully treated will reoccur if the person or the patient exposes himself again to dog fur or danders.

Treatment and avoidance

The best treatment is always prevention. As they say, an ounce of prevention is far better than pounds of cure. So it is in the case of dog allergies.

To treat dog allergies, the patient will have to be advised that he should avoid getting near or cuddling dogs. Through that, dog allergy can be successfully controlled or curtailed.

But if that basic prevention measure is ineffective, the patient will have to take either antihistamines, decongestants or corticosteroids. Antihistamines are the common drugs taken during asthma or other allergy attacks.

Decongestants decongest breathing areas or tubes in the body by reducing swellness of nasal tissues thus relieving breathing.

Corticosteroids on the other hand, are drugs that reduce or eliminate inflammation of organs or tissues in the body that may have resulted from the onset of the dog allergy.

About the Author: Charlene J. Nuble 2006. For answers to All your frequently asked questions about dog allergy, please go to: or go to:


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  • Kitty: I have a friend who uses a seatbelt which attaches to their harness. This helps to keep the dog from straying to far in the backseat of the car.