Pets Animals

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By Doyle Mason

Dogs are our best friends. It happens that if we extend our love to the pet dogs, they respond equally and offer you their unconditional love. If you take proper care of your pets, they remain healthy, strong, and also live longer. However, we can do this only when we keep on searching for better things they can have.

Given here are some tips that you can use to take care of your dog.

* Put a soft collar around its neck and put a label on it with the pet’s name, your address, and phone number. This is in case your pet wanders somewhere; someone will bring it back to you.

* Bathing the dog once a month is enough. However, if the dog gets too dirty, clean it with a wet towel or wash its paws. Do not keep it dirty for too long and also do not bathe it frequently because it might develop a skin infection in both the cases.

* Groom it every day. Comb and brush through its hair and make sure that its coat is shining and free from tangles. Do not start grooming with a very tiny pup. Begin when it is about three months old and continue through its life.

* Get it checked up by a veterinary once a month to ensure that it is in proper health. Also make sure that your dog does not have any injuries on its feet and clean its teeth and ears regularly.

* Consult your dog’s veterinarian to fix a proper diet for your loved pet. The diet should be balanced and must include lots of fresh water. Ask the Vet for a list of things that you cannot give your dog to eat.

*Go for a walk with it everyday to ensure that it gets proper exercise and also toilet train it so that it does not defecate anywhere it wants.

* Keep your dog free most part of the day and tie it only when required. You do not want an angry dog that may attack you one day because you kept him tied all the time. But do tie a leash once a while so that your dog gets used to it.

* Get proper vaccination done and get the pet neutered if you do not want to breed it. Consult a veterinary doctor and get the needful done, as and when the doctor tells you. It will ensure that your pet is healthier and happier and lives longer.

* Get a good dog house and make sure that you make your pet go to it only at night to schedule its bed time. Dogs like people around and should be with people throughout the day.

The above-mentioned tips are a few basic things that you can do for your pet. They are not difficult to follow and do not cost too much as well. Apart from giving your dog pet toys and pet food, take care of it as a family member and enjoy your every moment with it.

About the Author: If you have pets and you really love them, you must give them the best. Be it their accessories, their beds, or care; keep up with the latest information on pets. For more information, visit


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By Nick Woods

Have you ever seen either your dog or someone else’s dog eating their own poop? If so, I would imagine that you were probably pretty repulsed by this. Also, you most likely wondered “why in the world are they doing that”? I will be more than happy to try to explain this to you. No one really knows for sure why dogs will sometimes eat their own poop. However, there are a quite a few different theories that exist out there about why this happens.

For starters, you may find it interesting to know that there is actually a more technical term for dogs eating their poops which is coprophagia. Even though it may seem disgusting to us humans to see dogs eating their own feces, in a dog’s mind they probably think that they actually have some pretty good reasons for doing this.

Sometimes when dogs are feeling stressed out they will eat their poops. Therefore, if your dog has just recently started eating their poops, you should ask yourself whether or not any new changes have been introduced in your dog’s life lately that might be causing them some stress. For example, have you moved to a new home lately, or perhaps you are now working different hours and are no longer home at the times of day that your dog is used to seeing you?

You dog eating their poop could also be a nothing more than a natural instinct kicking in. If you have ever had a dog that was nursing puppies you’ll know that she will clean up after the puppies until they are no longer nursing by eating and licking up any feces and urine. The reason they do this is so that predators cannot catch the scent of the young.

Another reason that dogs will sometimes eat their poops is for nutritional reasons. Eating their poops can often be nature’s way of trying to help the dog ensure that they get the proper nutrients they need in case there are certain nutrients that are currently lacking in their normal everyday diet. Therefore, you may want to take a look at the ingredients list that’s located on the packaging for the food that you have been feeding your dog recently. If you see that it looks like it contains mainly grains and other fillers, you may want to look into switching over to a more nutritionally balanced brand of dog food.

Also, when a dog eats its own feces that can also be a possible sign that they may have an undiagnosed medical condition such as thyroid disease or diabetes. The reason I say this is that both of those medical conditions can often cause increased appetite in dogs, and if your dog is feeling excessively hungry, they will think that just about anything including their stools looks tasty! If you want to rule out the possibility of your dog having one of the aforementioned medical conditions, then a trip to your vet may be in order.

I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that you are able to get to the root of why your dog is eating their feces so that you can hopefully successfully put a stop to it!

About the Author: You can learn more about Why Do Dogs Eat Their Poop and some other great information like Why Do Dogs Eat Grass by visiting Why Do Dogs Eat Poop today.


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  • Kitty: I have a friend who uses a seatbelt which attaches to their harness. This helps to keep the dog from straying to far in the backseat of the car.